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Digital Design

Contains hundreds of participation activities including questions, animations, and browser-based tools like an algebraic solver, circuit simulator, K-map minimizer, state machine capture, high level state-machine capture, and more. Seamlessly integrated auto-generated and auto-graded challenge activities. Ideal for traditional “what’s under the hood” goal, and for introduction to embedded systems.

Programming Embedded Systems

Teaches the discipline of embedded programming, independent of any particular device and emphasizes capturing behavior with a computation model (state machine). Students write their own task scheduler in C (basis of RTOSes). Contains more than 400 participation activities including questions, animations, and browser-based tools including SM capture, PID simulator, and more. Accompanies the RI Tools suite (Windows): C programming, emulation, state machine capture; good for additional homework. Can be used for classes with or without a physical device-specific lab.

Introduction to Computer Systems and Assembly Programming

Contains hundreds of participation activities including questions, animations, tools, and seamlessly integrated auto-generated and auto-graded challenge activities. Provides an exceptionally approachable introduction to computer organization. Uses an elegant simple MIPS subset called MIPSzy, which is great for learning and features Integrated MIPSzy and MIPS simulator for hands-on learning. Shows full design of MIPSzy, plus complete behavioral and structural Verilog.