zyBooks partners with leading online and for-profit universities to craft customized curriculum solutions that are proven to improve outcomes for non-traditional students.

Improving Student Experience
Integrating zyBooks into DeVry University’s Introduction to Programming course improved student outcomes.
- Student success (achieved A-C) increased from 76% to 91%
- Persistence to following CS course increased from 85% to 90%
Reducing Student Attrition
Theory-based practice implemented in Quantitative Reasoning courses using zyBooks at the University of Phoenix led to reduced attrition and wide implementation of the new practice.
- Average attrition in QR1 decreased from 17.5% to 4.7% after implementation
- Average attrition in QR2 decreased from 13.9% to 4.0% after implementation

“zyBooks built the tools for what it would be like to sit with a student one-on-one, and walk them through piece-by-piece, topic-by-topic to demonstrate the topic to a student, and ask the student to then demonstrate understanding of that topic.”
Arizona State University Ed Plus Podcast
“Students are at the heart of the development process.”
Partner Solutions Director Kara Albert explains the benefits of collaborating with zyBooks:
Partner Solutions Delivers
Custom content
- Mix-and-match award-winning zyBooks and Wiley content from different titles all into one custom course
- Add your own content throughout using our authoring tools, integrated directly into your class zyBook
- Interactive learning content utilizes our research-based “show-say-ask” pedagogy
One platform
- All learning, labs and assessments integrated into one zyBooks platform
- Connects to your LMS for automated gradebook passback
- Built-in autograding, version control, collaboration tools and single sign-on
Seamless experience
- User interface simple to use and easy to understand for students, instructors and administrators
- Platform shown to reduce support tickets
- Straightforward configuration benefits course developers and edtech teams
Data and reporting
- Extensive analytics built into the platform to help improve student outcomes
- Apply data to reduce DFW rates using our platform
Partner Solutions Supports
- Frequent term start dates
- Many adjunct faculty members
- Many thousands of concurrent students
- Course updates based on your schedule

Major Content Areas
- Computer Science
- Data Science
- Information Technology
- Math & Statistics
- Business, Accounting & Finance
- Social Sciences
How zyBook Partner Solutions Works
zyBooks collaborates closely with academic clients to develop customized curriculum. Our consultative process includes:
Learning objectives mapping
What content do we have in-house; what gaps do we see
Content mapping
How do we fill those gaps; what TOC do we recommend for course design
Custom authoring
Converting and adapting content, authoring new content
Custom course configuration
Synthesizing the steps above; content you want students to see, at the pace you want them to see it
“One book, custom configured.”
Partner Solutions Senior Partner Program Manager Samantha Weald explains custom configuration on the zyBooks platform:
“zyBooks made textbooks really easy to edit and modify; things like re-ordering chapters, re-ordering content within chapters, placing rich instructor notes in-line the text, the ability to write custom content in the text that merges seamlessly, and the ability to inline lectures, videos, formative quizzes and assessments, readings, and coding assignments.”
Arizona State University Ed Plus Podcast
Ready to learn more?
Get in touch with zyBooks Partner Solutions