At zyBooks, we embrace the principles of learning sciences to create digital courseware that not only captivates students, but also significantly improves their academic performance.
30 years of teaching experience informs key concepts where students typically struggle Operating System Concepts (OSC) is a mature title that has been around for over 25 years and is now in its 10th edition. The zyVersion of OSC presents the fundamental principles of contemporary operating systems using zyBooks active learning pedagogy that directly engages […]
Author Aimee Schwab-McCoy shows how students can write and edit live code, create data visualizations, and output images right in the zyBook. Jupyter notebooks are embedded in the zyBook, so students work with real-world, professional tools.
zyBooks strike the perfect balance between text volume and engaged learning, with studies showing that students spend more time learning. Performance has been proven to increase and we have research to show it.